Condensed Matter Colloquia
- "Soft Modes and Structural Phase Transitions", Lehigh University, April 1988
- "Defects: Probes of Dynamical Phenomena Near Structural Phase Transitions", Columbia University, March 1990.
- "Point Defects and Fluctuations Near Structural Phase Transitions", Brookhaven National Laboratory, April 1990 and National Center for Physical Acoustics (University of Mississippi), May 1990.
- "Smart Optical Ceramics", Kraner Symposium, Lehigh University, October 1990.
- "Defauts Substitutionnels dipolaires desordonnes dans un systeme fortement (KTN, KLT)", Conference on the Role of Defects on Structural Phase Transitions, Metz (France), Fall 1991, Transphase IV, Loctudy (France), May 1992 (Invited).
- "Coexistence Ordre-Desordre dans les systemes mixtes fortement polarisables", CENG, Grenoble, March 1992; Universite du Maine, Le Mans, April 1992; Universite de Rennes, April 1992, Universite P. M. Curie, Paris, April 1992.
- "Etude Raman de systemes mixtes fortement polarisables, KTa 1-x Nb x O 3 , K 1-y Li y TaO 3" ,Ordre Ferroelectrique ou Verre Dipolaire? Laboratoire Leon Brillouin, CEA, June 1992.
- "Etude Raman de systemes mixtes fortement polarisables, KTa 1-x NbxO3, K1-yLiyTaO3, Ordre Ferroelectrique ou Verre Dipolaire?, Mainz Universitat and Duisburg Universitat, June 1992.
- "Raman Study of Highly Polarizable Mixed Systems, KTN, KLT, Ferroelectric Order or Dipolar Glass State?", Lehigh University, Nov. 1992; City College (CUNY), Feb. 1993.
- "Long Time Relaxation and Frequency Dispersion in Mixed Ferroelectrics", 2nd International Discussion Meeting on Relaxation in Complex Systems, Alicante (Spain), July1993 (Invited).
- "A Comprehensive Study of the Random Dipole Ferroelectrics, KTN and KLT", 8th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Gaithersburg, MD, August 1993 (Invited).
- "Raman Study of Ferroelectric Order and the Dipolar Glass State", Lehigh University, Physics Dept. Colloquium, Nov.1993.
- Seminars on the "Collective Dynamics and Phase Transition in Disordered Ferroelectrics" in Lille, Dijon, Montpellier (France), Spring 1995.
- Summer 1995 Le Mans, several seminars.
- "Fundamentals of the Modified Phase Transition in Random Dipole Ferroelectrics", International Meeting on Integrated Ferroelectrics (ISIF), March 1996, Tempe AZ (invited).
- "Relaxor and SuperParaelectric Behavior in the Disordered Ferroelectrics KLT and KTN", International Seminar on Relaxor Ferroelectrics, Dubna (Russia), May 1996 (invited).
- "Complex Relaxations and Resonances in Disordered Ferroelectrics", Vigo (Spain), July 1997 (invited).
- "Collective Behaviors in Disordered Ferroelectrics", Seoul (Korea), August 1997 (invited).
- "Collective Dynamics of Disordered Solids", NSF (Dec 97), CUNY (Dec 97), Penn State (Feb 97), West Virginia University (Feb 98).
- "The Complex Behavior of Relaxor Mesoelectrics", University of Pittsburgh, Fall 1998.
- "Optical Nonlinearities and their effects on the Guided Propagation of Light", American Ceramic Society Meeting, St. Louis, MO, April 2000.
- "Physics of Relaxor Ferroelectrics", ICMCB, Bordeaux, France, July 2000.
- "The Raman effect in Glasses and its Applications in Fiber Optics", Annual Meeting American Ceramic Society, St. Louis, May 2000 (invited).
- "Stimulated Light Scattering in Glasses and its Applications to Fiber Optics", American Ceramic Society Meeting, St. Louis, 2000 (invited).
- "Glasses for Communications in the 21st Century: The Lehigh Optical Communications Initiative (LOCI)",Seminar given at Corning in Feb. 2000 and at Lucent/Bell Laboratories in March 2000.
- "Physics of Relaxor Ferroelectrics", ICMCB, Bordeaux, France, July 2000.
- "Local Structure and Vibrational Raman Spectra of Doped Tellurite Glasses", Annual Meeting American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, April 2001 (invited).
- "The surprising relaxational dynamics of relaxor ferroelectrics and (a few of) their secrets", J. Toulouse, University of Michigan, January 2002.
- " The dynamics of polar nanoregions in lead relaxors", J. Toulouse, 10th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity, EMF10, Cambridge (UK), August 2003 (invited).
- "A Critical Analysis of the Low Frequency Raman Spectra of Relaxor Ferroelectrics", J.Toulouse, Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics, 2004.
- "Processing of Transparent Ferroelectric Glass-Ceramic", J.Toulouse, American Ceramic Society, 2004.
- "Nanoscale Structure and the Two Timescale Dynamics of Relaxor Ferroelectrics", J.Toulouse, APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 2005.
- "Complex Dynamics of Relaxor Ferroelectrics", Thales (Defense Company, Corbeville), France, June 2006 and Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI, November 2006.
- "Complex Internal Dynamics of Relaxors", Argonne National Laboratory (Advanced Photon Source, APS, 2007.
- "Adiabatic Demagnetization and the Real Meaning of an Absolute Temperature", Lehigh University, Physics Department Brown Bag, 2007.
- "The Surprising Polarization Dynamics of Relaxor Ferroelectrics and (a few of) their Secrets", Physics Colloquium, St. Joseph University , Philadelphia, PA, 2007.
- A Brief History of Temperature", Lehigh University, Physics Department Brown Bag Lunch, 2007.
- A Grand Tour of Coherence Phenomena, through Atomic Vapors, Relaxor Ferroelectrics and Optical Fibers", Lehigh University, Physics Colloquium, 2007.
- "Neutron Scattering Study of the Phase Transition(s) in the Mixed Ferroelectrics Single Crystal, KTa0.83Nb0.1703". Williamsburg Conference on Ferroelectrics, Virginia, Invited. And European Neutron Society Annual Meeting, Lund, Sweden, 2007.
- "The Three Characteristic Temperatures of the Dynamics of Relaxor Ferroelectrics and Their Meaning",11th European Meeting on Ferroelectrics, EMF11, Bled, Slovenia, 2007.
- "Understanding NBT through a comparison with KTN and KLT", International Workshop on Lead Free Ferroelectrics, Shanghai, China 2010.
- "Comparison of the Raman Low Frequency Spectra of NBT and KLT", D. Jackson and J. Toulouse, American Physical Society, APS March Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 2011.